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Embark on a journey with us as we explore the world's most enchanting floral destinations, offering travel tips and inspiration for your next flower-filled adventure in our travel category.

Qixi Festival Food

As with many cultural events, food is very important in the celebration of Qixi Festival. Qixi Festival celebrates Chinese Valentine's Day or the seventh day of the seventh lunar month when the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid would meet on the Magpie Bridge. Qixi Festival food includes many different and delicious culinary delights including dumplings, noodles, and wontons. While the food on offer differs from region to region, there are some foods you will find in almost all celebrations...

5 min read

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News & EventsTravel
Melbourne's best gardens to explore

Melbourne is known for its great coffee, hidden laneway bars and restaurants, and hipster suburbs, but did you know the busy city is also home to some of the best gardens to explore in the country? Victoria is known as the ‘Garden State’ for a reason, so whether you’re visiting from interstate or call the city home, it’s time to take advantage of these beautiful green spaces.

3 min read

Visit: Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, Hobart

Heading to Tassie? Don’t miss this popular attraction! Tasmania’s harbour side capital, Hobart, is home to the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, a lush oasis covering 13.5 hectares.

3 min read

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The Mythology of Flowers: Roses, Carnations, Lilies

Throughout history, ancient myths, stories, and fables have all contributed to the perceived meanings of our favourite flowers, and led to them being associated with many customs in various cultures around the world.

7 min read

The Essential Oils of Flowers – History, Benefits and Uses

Throughout the centuries, essential oils have been used in hundreds of ways by many different cultures. Often derived from plants and flowers, they’ve been known to carry amazing benefits.

5 min read

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Skeleton Flower

The Diphylleia Grayi flower is also known as the ‘Skeleton Flower’, and while at first glance it may appear to be an ordinary bloom, there is actually something quite extraordinary about it.

1 min read

Respect For the Aged Day Traditions

Do you know about Respect for the Aged Day? This Japanese public holiday is celebrated annually to honour elderly citizens. It’s not the oldest Japanese holiday by any stretch – it began in 1966 – but even still, there are some traditions that have been part of the festivities since the holiday’s inception.

2 min read

Qixi Festival Legends – Chinese Valentine’s Day

Did you know that this year, Chinese Valentine’s Day falls on Monday August 28th? Also known as Qixi Festival, it is the most romantic among traditional Chinese festivals. Each year it falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month in China, which lends it its other name: The Double Seven Festival.

3 min read

Places That Are Surprisingly Filled with Flowers

Some countries in the world are associated with particular flowers, like the Netherlands for its tulips or France for its lavender fields. Other countries might not immediately spring to mind beautiful blooms, but if you’re searching for fields of colourful flowers they should not be overlooked. Take a look at our list of just some of the places in the world you might be surprised to find an abundance of flowers in.

2 min read

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Interflora Australia has been operating across our country since 1954. Originally based in Adelaide, South Australia, we now operate out of Interflora House in Melbourne, Victoria. Interflora Australia is 100% Australian owned - via a licensing agreement, issued to us from Interflora in the United Kingdom...