Same day flower delivery available


White Flower Bouquets & Arrangements

There are fewer shades more universal than white, which has come to represent the symphony of emotions, ranging from consolation to the very special love celebrated at weddings.

It is the colour of peace, of innocence and wholeness, and independence. Our tremendous range of flowers are sourced from the finest collections and sending white flowers to a loved one is a sure way to remind them that they are most certainly in your thoughts. These pieces are timeless and will linger in the memory of any recipient forever, so send blanched buds to ensure that lasting feeling. Our types of white flowers include roses as well as lilies, orchids, gerberas and chrysanthemums. These eternal varietals sing with any range of colours and white cuttings actually operate as a great way to break up any colourful bouquet and instil a sense of softness into the arrangement. Same day flower delivery is available.

Our artisanal arrangements are only sourced from the finest collections of buds and are appropriate for almost any occasion, whether it be premium wedding bouquets or gifts to a friend or even in celebrating the life and memory of a lost loved one. White flower delivery with Interflora is the best way to capture the essence of something special and ensure the recipient of this beautiful gift feels truly special.

Interflora Australia has been operating across our country since 1954. Originally based in Adelaide, South Australia, we now operate out of Interflora House in Melbourne, Victoria. Interflora Australia is 100% Australian owned - via a licensing agreement, issued to us from Interflora in the United Kingdom...