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Gin Gift Hamper

Gin and Tonic Gift Set


Treat someone special to a delightful gift with our "Gin Gift Hamper." This handpicked selection of premium treats and craft spirits is the perfect way to elevate their spirits and celebrate any occasion. Indulge in the savoury goodness of Artisan Cheese Bites and the satisfying crunch of Roasted Peanuts with Sea Salt. These gourmet delights are perfectly complemented by a selection of premium cocktail garnishes, adding a touch of sophistication to any cocktail creation. The star of this hamper is the Sunshine & Sons Original Dry Gin, a masterfully crafted spirit that promises a truly exceptional gin experience. Pair it with Fever Tonic Water to create refreshing and invigorating cocktails. To inspire creativity, "Gin Made Me Do It" by Jassy Davis is included, offering a treasure trove of cocktail recipes and mixology tips. All these delightful treasures are elegantly presented in a Wooden Box, making it a splendid gift for gin enthusiasts or anyone who enjoys gourmet delights and craft spirits. Raise a glass and make memories with our "Gin Gift Hamper."

Accessories shown are for illustration purposes only and are not included in the hampers shown. Please refer to the contents listing.


Random Harvest Artisan Cheese Bites 100g

Random Harvest Roasted Peanuts with Sea Salt 120g

Premium Cocktail garnishes

Sunshine & sons original dry gin 700ml

Fever tonic water 500ml

Gin Made Me Do It - Jassy Davis

Wooden box

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This hamper is hand made to order, so it cannot be delivered on the same day.


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This product is delivered via next business day express Postal Services.
Please understand that orders can occasionally be delayed by StarTrack or Australia post for reasons outside of our control.

Interflora Australia has been operating across our country since 1954. Originally based in Adelaide, South Australia, we now operate out of Interflora House in Melbourne, Victoria. Interflora Australia is 100% Australian owned - via a licensing agreement, issued to us from Interflora in the United Kingdom...