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Hamper for Dad

Pale Ale Gift Box


Treat your dad to a flavourful and memorable experience with our ultimate pale ale and BBQ Dad's Hamper. This carefully curated collection is designed to delight his taste buds and elevate his BBQ skills. Inside this hamper, your dad will discover a selection of premium craft beers, including 4 Pines Pale Ale, Stone Wood Pacific Ale, Wild Yak Pacific Ale, and James Squire Shackles. These brews are sure to satisfy his beer-loving palate. To complement the beer, we've included Barbie Nut Mix and Original Jerky Original, perfect snacks for enjoying while grilling or watching the game. For a burst of flavour, the Roast Garlic & Pepper BBQ Rub adds a savoury touch to his BBQ creations. To inspire his culinary adventures, the "License to Grill: The BBQ Cookbook" by Sam Brooks BBQ Companion boxed recipe cards are included, filled with delicious BBQ recipes and expert tips. All these treasures are presented in a sturdy Wooden Box, making it a perfect gift to show your appreciation for your dad's love of beer, BBQ, and good times. This pale ale gift box is a thoughtful and enjoyable way to celebrate Father's Day or any special occasion.


4 pines pale ale 330ml

Stone wood pacific ale 330ml

Wild yak pacific ale 345ml

James Squire Shackles 330ml

Sesh Drover Barbie nut mix 130g

Tomahawk Jerky Original 40g

Random Harvest Roast Garlic & Pepper BBQ Rub 100g

BBQ Companion

Wooden box

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This hamper is hand made to order, so it cannot be delivered on the same day.


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This product is delivered via next business day express Postal Services.
Please understand that orders can occasionally be delayed by StarTrack or Australia post for reasons outside of our control.

Interflora Australia has been operating across our country since 1954. Originally based in Adelaide, South Australia, we now operate out of Interflora House in Melbourne, Victoria. Interflora Australia is 100% Australian owned - via a licensing agreement, issued to us from Interflora in the United Kingdom...