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Housewarming Hamper

Cheeseboard and Penfolds Gift Box


The Housewarming Hamper is the perfect way to welcome someone to their new home with warmth and style. This thoughtfully curated gift includes a versatile Cheese Board with knives in an elegant gift box, ideal for hosting gatherings and creating cherished memories in their new space. The Tea Tonic Assorted Sampler offers a comforting selection of tea bags, perfect for unwinding and enjoying quiet moments in their freshly settled abode. The Bramble Bay Diffuser in the soothing scent of Gidgee Wattle fills their home with a sense of tranquillity and relaxation. To satisfy their sweet tooth, we've included Sticky Date & Ginger Cookie Bites, providing a delightful treat for those cosy evenings at home. And to toast to new beginnings, the Penfolds Koonunga Hill Cabernet Sauvignon adds a touch of sophistication, making it the ideal companion for celebrating their new chapter. All of these items are beautifully presented in a Wooden Box, creating an exquisite and memorable housewarming gesture that combines both practicality and luxury. This hamper is a heartfelt way to say "Congratulations on your new home", providing the perfect essentials and indulgences for their journey ahead.

Accessories shown are for illustration purposes only and are not included in the hampers shown. Please refer to the contents listing.


Cheese Board with Knives Gift Box

Tea Tonic - Assorted Sampler

Bramble Bay Luxury Diffuser - Gidgee Wattle

Byron Bay Cookies - Sticky Date & Ginger Cookie Bites - 200g

Penfolds Koonunga Hill Cabernet Sauvignon

Wooden Box

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This hamper is hand made to order, so it cannot be delivered on the same day.


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This product is delivered via next business day express Postal Services.
Please understand that orders can occasionally be delayed by StarTrack or Australia post for reasons outside of our control.

Interflora Australia has been operating across our country since 1954. Originally based in Adelaide, South Australia, we now operate out of Interflora House in Melbourne, Victoria. Interflora Australia is 100% Australian owned - via a licensing agreement, issued to us from Interflora in the United Kingdom...