The Serenity White Bouquet is a sophisticated floral display that exudes serenity and grace. Featuring the timeless beauty of white roses, the delicate charm of daisy chrysanthemums, the exotic touch of alstroemeria, and the elegant volume of sim carnations, this bouquet is a perfect choice for any occasion. The bouquet is accentuated by a striking white disbud mum and lush dark green foliage, all wrapped in white kraft and tissue paper. An orange satin ribbon adds a touch of colour, tying the bouquet together beautifully. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or as a heartfelt gesture of sympathy, this bouquet is designed to make a lasting impression.
With Interflora's same day delivery service, you can send this stunning bouquet to loved ones across the country. Plus, with 5% of the proceeds supporting You Matter, your purchase helps women and children affected by family violence. Order now and brighten someone's day while supporting a worthy cause.
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Product Measurements:
Length: 47cm
Width: 48cm