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Sunflower Lovers

Sunflower Bouquet

The sunflower bouquet is a cheerful and vibrant arrangement featuring a combination of sunflowers, yellow roses, molucca balm and Queen Anne's lace. The bouquet includes three sturdy stems of sunflowers, with their iconic golden-yellow petals surrounding a dark brown centre, reminiscent of the sun itself. The sunflowers are the focal point of the arrangement, exuding warmth and positivity.

Accompanying the sunflowers are three stems of yellow roses. These complement the sunflowers beautifully, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to the arrangement. The bouquet is wrapped in white paper and tied with yellow satin ribbon, adding the finishing touch to this stunning bouquet that is sure to bring joy and sunshine to any occasion.

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Product Measurements:

Width: 40cm

Length: 46cm

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