Order a flower bouquet or arrangement for delivery created by our network of local florists. Our florist choice flowers are handcrafted by the florist using the freshest flowers on the day.
Neutral Florist Choice Vase
From $109.00
Bright Florist Choice Bouquet
From $94.00
Native Florist Choice Arrangement
From $114.00
Bright Florist Choice Vase
From $109.00
Bright Florist Choice Posy
From $79.00
Native Florist Choice Posy
From $79.00
Neutral Florist Choice Bouquet
From $94.00
Pastel Florist Choice Bouquet
From $94.00
Neutral Florist Choice Posy
From $79.00
Native Florist Choice Bouquet
From $94.00
Native Florist Choice Vase
From $109.00
Pastel Florist Choice Posy
From $79.00
Order Fresh Flowers Online with Interflora
Our Florist Choice Bouquet includes an assortment of fresh flowers arranged together by one of our local florists. This bouquet has all sorts of in-season flowers that your loved will appreciate. Each arrangement is handcrafted and created using the freshest flowers on the day. Choose from different colour palettes including pastel, neutral and bright. Bouquets made from Australian native flowers are also available.
Handcrafted by our Florist Network
Order a Florist Choice Bouquet for a loved one with Interflora. Our flower gifts are suitable for any occasion and are handcrafted by local florists to make your present extra special. We have over 600 florists across Australia in our network providing online flower delivery. Choose from one of our quality Florist Choice Bouquets to spoil a loved one today.
Same day Flower Delivery Available
Same day flower delivery is available. At Interflora Australia, we offer same day flower delivery across Australia. Choose your Florists Choice Flower Bouquet online at a time that suits you. No matter if it is a last minute flower delivery, we can deliver on time. To ensure your flower delivery arrives the same day, you must order before 2pm Monday to Friday in the recipient’s time zone and before 10am on Saturdays!
Zippay & Afterpay Flowers
Zippay or Afterpay is available to purchase your online flower delivery. Simply choose one of our alternative payment options as your payment method at the checkout and your fresh Florist Choice flower bouquet will be delivered in no time.